
2 min readSep 13, 2020

The one thing that always gets me thinking is how people decide they are happy? Is it being with a loved one? Being with family? Is it money? Or is it the job that you do that gives you happiness? Shopping? Playing games? Being sadistic? Petting a dog? Watching your favourite movie or rewatching FRIENDS or The Office? I don’t know. Some people have already got something that makes them happy. Some of us are still figuring it out.

I recently had someone tell me they wondered how I was always smiling and happy and the thing is, I’m not always sunshine and rainbows. I do feel sad for a greater part of my day and I believe that’s okay. Everyone feels sad and everyone cries and I believe that’s only human. Might sound cliche but honestly, it’s the little things that bring a smile on my face. Sometimes all I need to feel happy is look up at a pretty sky or go to the beach. My little sister makes me happy and also every time my mom cooks my favourite dish without me asking her too or my dad cracking his lame DAD jokes. I am obviously the happiest while lazing around with friends forget ting about all the worries and uncertainties of life. As far as I know, these are the times that I would describe feeling genuinely happy. Genuine because every time I look back at those times I always smile.

What I would like to know is, is there a standard for happiness?

Why do some people make you feel so meagre for being happy about some things? Is it because they feel sad that they don’t feel the same?

How is it so easy to make kids happy? How are they so easily satisfied?

Why is it so hard sometimes to just have a little dopamine or serotonin?

How do you just let go of the long lingering sadness?

A small side note:
You guys should know that I’m always there for you no matter what. you can always reach out to me if you want to talk about anything or if you need any sort help. I’m going to be here without any judgements.

